Parsing annotation files with BioCantor

BioCantor supports two common annotation file formats, GenBank and GFF3. GenBank parsing is backed by the parser present in BioPython, while GFF3 parsing relies on the library gffutils.

Because annotation file format specifications are often interpreted differently, BioCantor is designed to allow for custom parsing functions to be written for all input formats. There exists default implementations in the library, but these can be replaced with your own methods in order to best map the data in your annotation file on to the values in the BioCantor annotation model.


BioCantor supports import and export of GFF3 with or without an embedded FASTA file. Embedded FASTA files are a method of combining sequence and annotation information. The annotation section is standard GFF3 up top, delimited with the header line ##gff-version 3. The FASTA section comes at the end, and is delimited by the break line ##FASTA.

This version of GFF3 could be constructed from two separate files with the command:

(cat ${GFF3}; echo -e "##FASTA\n"; cat ${FASTA}) > gff3_with_fasta.gff3

To enable GFF3 parsing, BioCantor leverages the library gffutils. This library builds a sqlite database of the input file, and has a lot of flexibility that allows for parsing of the many ways that the GFF3 spec can be interpreted. BioCantor takes the resulting database and interprets it into the data model. Users can pass commands down to gffutils in order to tweak how it interprets the files.


BioCantor relies on BioPython to perform the core parsing of GenBank files. The resulting data structures are then ran through the default BioCantor parsing function to build the BioCantor annotation model.

Because GenBank files do not have an explicit hierarchical structure to annotations like GFF3 files do, the hierarchy must be inferred. BioCantor offers two ways to do this. The first is to assume that the file is sorted, and the second is to use the key qualifier locus_tag to group together objects that belong to the same gene or feature.

Parser Implementations

LocusTag (default parser)

The LocusTag parser implementation groups features in the GenBank file based on the value of the locus_tag qualifier.

Within each locus_tag group, genes are identified by looking for the presence of a gene feature. If a locus_tag group exists with no gene features, an exception will be raised.

Any features without a locus_tag will be interpreted as a FeatureIntervalCollection with one FeatureInterval.

While the GenBank parser defaults to the LocusTag parser, two other implementations also exist that can be chosen by specifying a different GenBankParserType to the gbk_type keyword argument in the parser function.


This parser implementation relies entirely on the sort order of the GenBank file. Genes are identified by looking at the ordering of features within the file, splitting them up into groups every time a gene feature is found. This parser will also handle isolated ncRNA or CDS features that have no gene feature, and a gene feature will be inferred.


The hybrid parser combines both LocusTag and Sorted parsing together. The initial parsing pass uses LocusTag parsing to group features together by locus_tag. After this step, the remaining features are passed to the Sorted parser.